
Posts Tagged ‘Tony Hale’

Veep 4.6

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on June 14, 2015 at 11:55 pm

This episode was all about pairings.

  • Selina and Tom James. Tom adds a whole new dynamic to the show. Very funny watching Selina gets more and more unhappy as he gets more popular. Hugh Laurie was much better than week than last.
  • Amy and Dan have always been one of the better pairings on the show, and this episode gave them lots of quality screentime. Loved the pay-off at the end of the episode. 
  • Sue and Bed. Nice to see Sue having scenes with someone other than Kent.
  • Jonah and Richard had some of the funniest scenes in the episode. Richard gets all the best lines.


Veep 4.4

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on May 25, 2015 at 4:22 am

Tehran. Might being the funniest episode they have ever done. Unrelentingly funny. Highlights:

  • Everything said by Richard.
  • The VP’s speech.
  • Mike and Gary being left behind by Air Force One. I had to press ‘pause’ at this point to let the laughter subside. I figured this would be the highlight of the episode. Wrong!
  • The Kent/Bill double act.
  • Jonah’s phone call from the limo. Comedy highlight of the episode. Maybe the season? A great pay-off to an already-funny running gag.
  • Mike and Gary running through the airport and dropping the bottles. Superb. In any other episode that would be the highlight. But in the same episode as Jonah’s phone call? No way. It has to settle for joint-second.


Veep 3.7

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on August 17, 2014 at 10:44 pm

Darren Boyd. Starts slow, but the second half (when a crisis hits) is when the laughs appear.

  • Christopher Meloni is a revelation as Ray. So funny.
  • Darren Boyd pretty much steals the episode, as the Deputy Prime Minister. Several great one-liners.
  • Of the regulars, Matt Walsh always gets the most laughs as Mike. Love that guy!


Arrested Development 4.14

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on September 6, 2013 at 8:26 pm

Bionic hand. Too long, but utterly delightful outing. Tony Hale rocks! I was disappointed that we didn’t see any of his time with his dad at the wall. And I was disappointed that, unlike recent episodes, there was no filling in of ‘behind the scenes’-type stuff. Maybe this episode should have aired earlier in the season? At this stage in the game, I think we need to see the dots being connected every week. Or maybe that’s just me. 9/10