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The Good Wife 5.19 Brilliant old-fashioned murder-mystery….

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on March 4, 2017 at 9:32 pm

The Good Wife 5.19

Brilliant old-fashioned murder-mystery. Superb Finn-centric b-story.

  • This is great fun. Always a treat to see Dylan Baker back on the show and, after a complex and fast-moving sequence of opening scenes, it transpires that a murder has just taken place in Colin Sweeney’s house. Again.
  • The rest of the episode is told from Alicia’s POV as a witness. She is the one giving Sweeney his alibi. A responsibility she takes very seriously, replaying the events of the night in her mind and even having a dialogue with her memory. Clever.
  • In the end we are given a downbeat twist-ending. We knew something like this was coming but this was still very satisfying.
  • Meanwhile, we have a delightful Finn Polmar b-story. The climax of which had me laughing out loud at the screen.
  • Matthew Goode is a great addition to the show, and I really love his character.
  • Michael Cerveris is another great addition to the show. Love to hate his character!
  • Those final two scenes showcase great storytelling. First we are laughing at Finn and then – a minute later – there is the gut-punch revelation of the real murderer. Quality.
