
Posts Tagged ‘Julianna Margulies’

The Good Wife 5.19 Brilliant old-fashioned murder-mystery….

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on March 4, 2017 at 9:32 pm

The Good Wife 5.19

Brilliant old-fashioned murder-mystery. Superb Finn-centric b-story.

  • This is great fun. Always a treat to see Dylan Baker back on the show and, after a complex and fast-moving sequence of opening scenes, it transpires that a murder has just taken place in Colin Sweeney’s house. Again.
  • The rest of the episode is told from Alicia’s POV as a witness. She is the one giving Sweeney his alibi. A responsibility she takes very seriously, replaying the events of the night in her mind and even having a dialogue with her memory. Clever.
  • In the end we are given a downbeat twist-ending. We knew something like this was coming but this was still very satisfying.
  • Meanwhile, we have a delightful Finn Polmar b-story. The climax of which had me laughing out loud at the screen.
  • Matthew Goode is a great addition to the show, and I really love his character.
  • Michael Cerveris is another great addition to the show. Love to hate his character!
  • Those final two scenes showcase great storytelling. First we are laughing at Finn and then – a minute later – there is the gut-punch revelation of the real murderer. Quality.


The Good Wife 5.18 Exceptionally clever storytelling….

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on February 18, 2017 at 11:13 pm

The Good Wife 5.18

Exceptionally clever storytelling. Exhilarating.

  • The ongoing NSA storyline comes to head when one of those monitoring the phone calls – Zach Woods – needs needs legal help himself and comes to Florrick-Agos. Exciting to see this character walking a tight rope, knowing things he’s not supposed to know and trying not to say them.
  • He fails.
  • And the second half of his story is an intricate (but much more typical) court battle. Good fun. Cary and Clarke are a great team. Love watching them.
  • The b-story is just as strong, when Alicia must defend the prosecutor who is being accused of being indirectly responsible for Will’s death. Like the character in the a-story, she is walking a tight rope. Instead of forbidden knowledge, her Achilles Heel takes the form of her own strong feelings for Will. And, after a hesitant start, she comes out all guns blazing in the end. Magnificent.


The Good Wife 5.7

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on September 3, 2016 at 10:22 pm

Three solid storylines here. The best, of course, involved Alicia returning to her old firm to testify. Nice twists and turns. The Will murder cast story was probably the weakest (as it utilized some tired tropes, like discarded gum yielding DNA) but the core story was engrossing and I look forward to seeing it continued. 10/10

The Good Wife 5.5

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on December 19, 2015 at 11:25 pm

  • A thriller as intense and exciting as any episode of 24 as the firm falls apart, and both sides scramble to get a desirable client.
  • All of the cast shine, in a variety of scenes, but it is Josh Charles who is truly superb here, towering over everyone else.
  • Single best scene? Probably the showdown between Cary and Diane.


The Good Wife 5.1

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on October 31, 2015 at 11:53 pm

Melissa George, Malik Yoba, Jeffrey Tambor. A gut-wrenching, roller-coaster, death-row thriller with a magnificent and clever ending. All non-A-story scenes are great, too. 10/10

The Good Wife 4.13

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on December 21, 2014 at 5:35 am

Margaret Colin, David Garrison. An intelligent script, bringing some story arcs and character arcs to fruition and giving the fantastic Julianna Margulies a chance to showcase a tougher side to Alicia, speaking her mind a bit more, taking no bull, etc. Love it! I hope we see more of that moving forward. The conclusion, with Alicia submissively thanking the equity partners is surely the launching pad for something more? 10/10

The Good Wife 4.4

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on October 19, 2014 at 1:10 am

John Glover. Lacks cohesion, despite having many good scenes/moments. The case of the week only really got interesting at the very end, and seemed like a by-the-numbers effort being used as filler between scenes about the new affair storyline. Delighted that we had no scenes with Kalinda’s husband this time around. 8/10

The Good Wife 4.1

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on September 27, 2014 at 10:28 pm

Kristen Chenoweth, Nathan Lane. Nice season opener. No one storyline dominates, but all of them hold the spotlight. I particularly enjoyed seeing Alicia and Cary on the same side. 9/10

The Good Wife 3.10

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on December 24, 2013 at 11:33 pm

Michael J. Fox, Tim Guinee, Jennifer Carpenter, John Michael Higgins. Strong thought-provoking case-of-the-week, with some superb character drama when heroine’s daughter suddenly goes missing. Conclusion is both sad and clever. 10/10

The Good Wife 3.5

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on December 4, 2013 at 1:42 am

Dylan Baker, Lisa Edelstein. Strong b-story completely overshadows a-story with a wonderfully ironic final scene. Class. 8/10