
Posts Tagged ‘Jerry O’Connell’

Ad for Sliders on Nov 8th, 1996.

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on March 4, 2017 at 10:06 pm

Ad for Sliders on Nov 8th, 1996.

Sliders 035

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on January 28, 2016 at 11:21 am
  • Once again John Rhys-Davies is the best thing here. Giving a good performance with a weak script. He has less to do, but Jerry O’Connell is in top form, too. His Quinn is visibly stressed in conversations with the brainwashed Professor.
  • Rembrandt gets very little to do, but has two awesome moments: first when he intimates the doctor lady near the start, and second when he kicks down a door near the end. “I’ll use my key.”
  • Good guest cast in this one. Brian McNamara, Brigid Brannagh and Adam Wylie are three of my favourite performers.
  • The set-up is a lot of fun. The sliders are inside a theme park, basically. One where actors recreate the murders of Jack The Ripper. Everything looks wonderful. And is well shot.
  • The problem is story/script. It really stretches credibility on a number of occasions. We have to buy into a lot of implausibles to let this story work for us. And if we do… all we really get at the end is a standard murder-mystery. Sure, it looks pretty and all but it’s hardly what Sliders should be doing. And why use such an elaborate backstory? The theme-park-as-therapy idea yields nothing in it’s own right. It’s just there to set up the story. Why not forget that and start again with the group arriving in a world where San Francisco looks like London of that era? Sure, that’s also implausible but it would take less time to set up. And you’d then have more screentime for a better story.
  • Never mind, the fun here is in watching John Rhys-Davies as Sherlock Holmes. Damn, that man can act!


Some pics from Sliders episode 26.

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on April 21, 2014 at 4:49 am

Some pics from Sliders episode 26.