
Posts Tagged ‘Gary Cole’

Midnight Caller 1.7 A hurried and contrived ending, but still a…

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on January 22, 2017 at 1:39 am

Midnight Caller 1.7

A hurried and contrived ending, but still a good episode.

  • This one loses it’s way at the end. Everything happens too fast. The father-son moment doesn’t ring true and neither does the killer just stepping forward and confessing. Indeed, the motive for the killing is highly dubious. Even the script/dialogue doesn’t really explain it.
  • But before we get to that final scene, there is a heck of a lot to enjoy.
  • The story is good. The murder and the kidnapping are really just background action to the real drama: Jack using his show to go up against a powerful newspaper publisher who is trying to bury a story about his son’s arrest.
  • Mykelti Williamson returns for his second of three season one appearances, and his character gets a lot of screentime which opens the story up. By using Deacon we get to see inside the newspaper, and get another perspective on the feud.
  • The issues raised are genuinely thought-provoking. The idea that the newspaper would begin to ruin the reputation of the murdered woman is particularly good.
  • Jack’s character traits/flaws are well documented here. Going after the man who just offered him a lucrative job says a lot about the guy. His willingness to shoot his mouth off, without knowing all the facts, also says a lot about him.
  • Seven episodes in and, with scripts like this, the show has really established itself as wanting to tell intelligent stories.
  • It’s also a show that looks great. The various night scenes, in offices and bars, etc. More than any other show this one really convinces you that the settings are real and that the hour is very late indeed.


Veep 5.7

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on September 4, 2016 at 11:42 pm

White House shenanigans were fine, but all the
Jonah Ryan Campaign stuff was pure comedy gold. Especially everything Richard said and did. 9/10

Veep 5.6

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on August 14, 2016 at 11:26 pm

Three very strong and very funny storylines.

  • C**tgate
  • Bailouts
  • Jon☆h Ryan

    For Congress

Particularly loved the Dan/Jonah stuff. That was pure gold.

Show is having great season. 10/10

Veep 4.6

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on June 14, 2015 at 11:55 pm

This episode was all about pairings.

  • Selina and Tom James. Tom adds a whole new dynamic to the show. Very funny watching Selina gets more and more unhappy as he gets more popular. Hugh Laurie was much better than week than last.
  • Amy and Dan have always been one of the better pairings on the show, and this episode gave them lots of quality screentime. Loved the pay-off at the end of the episode. 
  • Sue and Bed. Nice to see Sue having scenes with someone other than Kent.
  • Jonah and Richard had some of the funniest scenes in the episode. Richard gets all the best lines.


Entourage 5.10

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on September 27, 2014 at 10:12 pm

Seth Green Day. Back on form. Big time. Three storylines. Each one with a major ‘villain’ for Ari, Eric and Vince to overcome. Excellent. 10/10

Midnight Caller 1.5

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on August 31, 2014 at 4:34 am

  • Trapping Jack in a bank hostage situation seems like such a lazy way to start a story, but it rapidly becomes a type of episode unique to this show. An episode with something to say.
  • The guest performances from Matt Clark and Will Bledsoe are excellent.
  • The juxtaposition between the actual event and the TV news portrayal is a bit too heavy handed to be fully successful, but the intent is so meaningful and sincere that it does a lot to make up for the shortcomings in the execution.
  • Jack is perfectly in character here: butting in and generally being a nuisance.
  • The closing monologue is particularly strong here. And Gary Cole is flawless in his delivery. You really feel that you are watching a special type of television storytelling here.


Midnight Caller 1.3

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on July 13, 2014 at 4:39 am

Kay Lenz. The famous/controversial AIDS episode which put the show on the map as a beacon of quality television. It still packs a punch. Lenz is superb, of course, and deserved her Emmy Award. But Julia Montgomery, Richard Cox and especially Gary Cole are also giving heartbreaking performances.

The character of Jack KIllian at his best and at his worst is showcased in this story. For all his flaws, Jack’s compassion and passion shine through. The best scenes are the scenes where Jack listens.

The story is basic. At it’s core it’s really a simple private eye tale. But the subject matter and the amazing performances make it something very special indeed. 10/10 

Frasier 8.6

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on February 24, 2014 at 7:21 am

Gary Cole. Good fun. Nice simple story, sets up some rewarding screwball comedy chaos. 7/10