
Posts Tagged ‘Bruce Boxleitner’

Ad for Babylon 5 on Nov 2nd, 1996.

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on March 4, 2017 at 10:01 pm

Ad for Babylon 5 on Nov 2nd, 1996.

How The West Was Won 16

In Reviews, Wallpapers, Music on May 17, 2015 at 4:10 am

Vincent Van Patten, Craig T. Nelson. The first truly self-contained episode of the series. And it’s told mostly from the POV of one of the show’s weaker regular characters: Jessie.
The first third of the movie is a rather sweet love story that feels slightly out of place on this show, given the tone of the previous seasons. It does not help that there are no other storylines to cut away to. One of the great strengths of the series, in seasons one and two, was the fact that each episode had a couple of tales running in parallel and there was always plenty of action and adventure to balance the slower moments in other arcs. Now that the formula has changed for season three we are confined to one story per episode, it seems. Without even the benefit of a b-plot. Not only does this mean the first half-hour moves very slowly, it also means that over the full two hours we get to see very little of Zeb or Luke (the show’s two heroes and actual main characters).
Luckily, after the slow start, things pick up considerably in the middle third. Suddenly there is real danger and tension in the mix. The love story is still central, and Vicki Schreck is terrific, but now there is more at stake with the very real possibility that Jessie’s boyfriend will be hanged.
The final third is the best, with Jessie and her outlaw lover on the run and determined to make a life for themselves. Jessie’s skill at shaking the posse is impressive and the audience really begins to see her as a young adult for the first time.
The climax falls into place very easily, but it does pull the heartstrings successfully.
